Small sectional sofa✨

Took me several months to find the perfect couch for my NYC apartment.

I did a lot of research. I wanted to find something that would not overcrowd my space, be somewhat convertible, had storage and that was stylish. After a lot of of measuring and comparing I found the HONBAY Convertible Sectional.

A sectional sofa specially designed for a small room, it’s covered by polyestered fabric, so its durable and easy to clean.

Has extra storage space under every seats of the couch. Between the four sections, I store Christmas decorations, blankets, shoes and purses!

Beautiful piece for under $1000.

Honbay sofa in my apartment

Click here to see me relocate sofa from one side of my living room, to the next!✨


I'm new here 🇮🇹 | Navigating Italian culture


Ditch your dresser✨